Exhibit Media - now open to the public!

Our team worked on an expansive exhibit exploring the fascinating history of the Outer Banks, an area chillingly known as the “Graveyard of the Atlantic.”  Through exhaustive research, content development, and complex interactive programming, we sought to bring maritime tales of tragedy and heroism to life. Our journey took us to historical archives across the US, France, and Germany, to unearth captivating stories and rare artifacts, and located the first US Coastal Survey map, presented to Thomas Jefferson in 1806.  Filming took us to the USS Monitor Center and across coastal North Carolina to enrich the project with scientist interviews and behind-the-scenes of maritime conservation.

  • 12' shipwreck map touch table with 110 featured shipwrecks and almost 700 additional wrecks
  • 6-minute introductory film
  • Eight touchscreen kiosks featuring 40 shipwrecks or related topics, with 3D models, dive footage, and archival images
  • Two life-size monitors showing actors telling six shipwreck stories pulled from historical accounts
  • Museum Partners kiosk and projection
  • Six maritime archeology videos, featuring interviews with scientists and glimpses behind-the-scenes at how shipwreck artifacts are conserved